Thursday, 17 August 2017

Paradise lost (not an epic)

The fields of fecundity
 roll readily forward,
Crashing waves of motherly love,
But nursing her young.
They sprout and stretch their weary limbs, Towards the suckled sun
Tenderly tended
Though different in kind
Some sweet ,Some stodgy ,Some light ,Some dark ,
Harmonious harmony
And the freshest of air .
(And the bestest of coffee)
Is this a paradise ?
Veiwed from the window of a lovely (flushable ) toilet .

A masai
He leads us boldly forward
Through the sprigs  of sapling  life
Tiny fireworks
Shooting stalks and bursting blooms
Quite a display


What is this  ?
A missing banana
A rouge broccoli
What scurrilous crimes
Commited by the soulful beast
I delight to imagine an elephant with the munchies
Indefatigably trying for a sweet treat
Unaware of the trampled destruction  left in his Wake.

The welltering wind dances at the.highest point of a distant hill
Far away
Hides a paradise
All the more wondering after a slight  trampeling  by a mischievous elephant

By Holly Westgarth- Graham aka the next John Milton .


  1. I'm going to admit to having to look up the word fecundity. I have to say not sure if its a poem, sonnet or the start of a longer dialogue but I was very impressed. I felt I was there with you. Well done Jill xx

  2. Good read can't wait to see the photos are groups 2 and 5 still missing enjoy your last few days of Fred on good luck and we'll done to those who done A levels

  3. A beautifull blog,well wrote & a lovely read,enjoy the rest of your Expeditition,Proud of You All xxYvonne xx

  4. I told you all when holly writes you have to google every other word, you didn't disappoint love . "A rogue broccoli" being the most puzzling part mind, is that a direct quote? Beautiful and funny, looking forward to having you back x

  5. Very poetic I particularly liked the masi leading you forward... Hoping that your last day relaxing goes well. That all lost in the wilderness are found and you get to have a long sleep before the dreaded journey Can the leaders please count them all on the bus in case Izzy decides to stay and cuddle baby animals xx Thanks from Mum and Marc xxx

  6. Another great blog, enjoy your last couple of days and can't wait to see you Bob. Love Catherine xx

  7. Miss you Bob, can't wait to have a proper conversation instead of it being 10 messages sent at once to try and get them to actually send
    Sure you didn't mean to ignore my result when I told them ( yes I am making you feel bad haha )
    Enjoy your last few days of freedom love from Em xxx

  8. Amazing, what more can I say. Can't wait to have the wonderlus, creachievous, cheekyfull, product of our fecundity home with us again 😁 Not long now!

  9. Beautiful and funny both the blog and my daughter. You never cease to amaze me.... well actually you do. You aced physics and you are doing an English Lit degree? Those two subjects are polar opposites! Where did this come from?!
    I shall tell you. Your father is a nerd! A physics loving, quantum mechanics mumbling nerd (hence my attraction for other nerds like dr Cox).
    I on the other hand am creative (5kids created!😂) I love languages and have a romantic waffling side to me sprinkled with humour.
    Thus you my lass are doomed. You may spout this beautiful, funny, genius prose but admit it YOU ARE A NERD!
    Im so so lucky to have a daddy nerd and baby nerd❤️
    Lots o love and good stuffs
    Mama WG

  10. Tears in my eyes reading this beautiful masterpiece... tears of sadness at my lack of understanding. Oh well I'm glad to see that the hard graft hasn't crushed your poetic spirit. Not long now until you come home and revive my social life, I'm waiting patiently whilst laid in bed 24 hours a day. Have a gooden xxx

  11. Hope you enjoyed whatever yesterday entailed Esme, assuming you haven't been eaten by some animal! Have a great day, looking forward to seeing you soon, mummy xx vik

  12. I hope you all have enjoyed the last few days. Soon to return to the Jungle that is Teeside. Less Hippos perhaps....

    Can't wait to see you Molly.

    Patrick (Mollys Dad)


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